Annual Parish Meeting 16th May 23

Mumby Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting

Held 16th May 2023


Present:  Cllr Taylor (took the Chair); Cllrs Morlini, Bradley & McCaig present as members of the public

Mrs J. Cooper (Parish Clerk)

There were no other members of the public present


1.        The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


2.        Minutes of the meting Held 17th May 2022

            It was resolved that these be signed as a correct record of that meeting.


3.        Update

            Cllr Taylor as Chairman gave a comprehensive update of the parish Council activities over the past year which included election of Cllr Robinson as Chairman in May 2022, receiving resignation of Cllr Willson as he was leaving the area; need to move meeting venues due to the illness off Chris at On Your Marques (the Council again wished him well); purchase and fitting of a Jubilee seat to commemorate the Queen’s jubilee, co-option of Cllr Mark Smith; removal of the ivy growth from the churchyard trees adjacent the A52 following advice from a tree specialist; Archer survey (vehicle average speeds) carried out both on the A52 and on Mumby Long Lane; negotiations ongoing with LCC regarding the footpath alongside/to the allotments; August saw the demolition of the bus shelter in a road traffic accident and the Council is still pushing LCC for a replacement; purchased further “Watch your Speed” signs; erected Christmas tree and lighting; took over responsibility for the defibrillator at Red Lion, Mumby; appointed rep to community Liaison Group regarding Outer Dowsing cable route; in contact with ELDC over various planning matters including consultations on planning applications received within the village boundaries.


4.        Questions

            There were no questions.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.12pm