20 April 2021







Due to the uncertainty of the spread of Covid-19/Coronavirus and in order to limit the risk to members of the public and elected council members the Parish Council meeting on the above date was held via video conference facility “Zoom”. 


There was no Public Forum as the one member of the public who had requested to join the meeting by sending an e-mail to mumbyparishcouncil@gmail.com by 05.00pm on Sunday 18th April 2021 did not log on and sent an apology.


Present via “Zoom”:   

Cllrs J Bradley (Chairman), D Robinson (Vice Chairman), D. Baxter-Skaife, J Taylor. J Morlini, J Banfield and B Willson.  Also, present District Cllr S. Eyre and County Cllr C. Davie.


CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS:  The Chairman welcomed all those present.  She again thanked Cllr D Baxter-Skaife for setting up the session which all councillors were able to join.   



  1. APOLOGIES – No apologies received.




  1. NOTES OF THE LAST MEETINGS - The minutes of the meeting held on 16th March 2021 were unanimously approved as the minutes / notes of events.  


  1. Speed Signs – These have been purchased and installation on the posts.  The Chair thanked both Cllr D. Baxter-Skaife and Cllr J. Taylor for all their efforts in hopefully making the village safer.  Clerk to write and thank both Triton Knoll for the grant and LCC Road Safety Team for installing the signs.
  2. Shop Hill – Appeal letter had been sent and a reply had been received.  It is now in the hands of DEFRA to follow up.  Matter ongoing
  3. Sale of Land – Paperwork had been completed and sent back to Wilkins Chapman LLP for progress of sale.  Matter ongoing.


  1. REPORTS FROM OUTSIDE BODIES AND OTHER MEETINGS – Dist Cllr S Ayre had chased up enforcement tomorrow on the sale of cars at The Old Rectory and was waiting for an update.  Following the complaint about “Dog waste” he had asked that dog patrols to be increased.   County Cllr C. Davie gave a small update on the elections and that Flood Resilience Funding was being sourced.


  1. REPORTS FROM OTHER MEETINGS - Nothing to report.



  1. LCCP Coastal Access and Parking – Letter received from LCC on this outlining it will be going ahead with Parking Charges for car parks.  The system being used is via charges being paid for via phone.  Members had concerns that a people who use the car parks may not be able to access the system.  LCC say this is the way forward.
  2. Community Groups in Lincolnshire – Email received on 25th March 2021 asking for help to complete a spreadsheet detailing local voluntary and community groups in their area.  This was to be completed by end March, email arrived too late to be discussed by members. 
  3. Parish support for new police campaign – Asking drivers to display a “SlowDownInLincolnshire” bumper sticker.  These can be collected from local Police Stations.


    1. Clerk presented the Annual Accounts to year end 31st March 2021.  Accepted and agreed by council.
    2. Clerk presented the External Audit dates to council as June 2021.  Clerk to present to council at next meeting.
    3. Insurance Renewal was presented by the clerk as £218.00.  Cllr D Baxter-Skaife asked that the Speed Signs be added to the renewal.  Clerk to contact Insurance Co for a quote on this.
    4. The Investment Account was reviewed, and all agreed to leave at present.
    5. Allotment Fees were reviewed by members and it was agreed to leave at £25.00 per year.  Clerk to write to allotment holders for their renewal fees.
    6. Clerk presented the annual Governance Statement to council for approval.  It was agreed and will be signed by the Chair and the clerk to be sent with External Audit and posted for residents to see.
    7. The following payments were approved by council:
    8. £96.81 to Cllr D. Baxter-Skaife for Zoom fees and Padlocks for Speed Signs.


    1. Planning Application N/125/00008/21 has received final planning approval.


  1. AGM / PARISH MEETING FORMAT AND DATES – The Chair put to the members that this should be held in the Church.  Under current guidelines this is possible after 17th May 2021.  Discussion on this took place and it was agreed to hold the AGM and Parish Meeting in the Church on Tuesday 18th May 2021.  The Chair to arrange for Covid 19 arrangements to be met.  Cllr D. Baxter-Skaife to investigate an arrangement for Cllr J. Banfield to attend via Zoom.  Clerk to post notices on Web Site and notice board.


  1. NEXT MEETING - The next meeting of the Parish Council will be the AGM and Parish Meeting and was set for Tuesday18th May 2021 to commence at 7pm


    1. Cllr B. Willson asked what “Parts Warranty” was on the new Speed Signs.  Cllr D. Baxter-Skaife replied that it was 2 years parts and labour.
    2. Clerk read out 2 emails received from residents’ reference “Fly Tipping” on A52 near the water works.  Residents were named in these complaints and after discussions by members who had looked at the area and concluded that what appeared to be “Fly Tipping” was actually soil that the residents were laying prior to reseeding the area to enhance the look of the verge.  It was agreed by all those present including the County and District Councillors that there was no further action required.  Clerk to inform the 2 residents who complained of this.


Meeting closed at 08.15 pm