18 May 2021









Cllrs J Bradley, D Robinson, D. Baxter-Skaife, J Taylor. J Morlini and B Willson.  Also, present District Cllr S. Eyre and three (3) members of the public.


CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS:  The Chairman welcomed all those present. 



  1. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN: There were two (2) nominations for the post as chairman.  After a vote Cllr Jean Bradley, was elected as Chairman and the Declaration of Acceptance was duly signed.


  1. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN: Cllr Dorothy Robinson be elected as Vice Chairman and the Declaration of Acceptance was duly signed.


  1. PUBLIC FORUM: A member of the public made a statement about the last Parish Meeting which was held via Zoom on Tuesday 20th April 2021.  In that he had submitted a complaint via email about “fly tipping” by a Mumby Parish Councillor.  


The member of the public who was accompanied by a Parish Councillor from Ingoldmells who proceeded to make a video of the proceedings stated he had asked and received a copy of the meeting which was held via Zoom.He also stated that he had received an email from the clerk stating that the contents were not to be passed onto another person. The clerk apologised for this error.He went onto say that he was not happy with the outcome of his complaint email and produced photos back up his complaint. These were not accepted by the council members due to Covid 19 guidelines.


After some deliberation by members the Chair again stated that as far as the Parish Council were concerned this was not their concern and that it deemed it to be a neighbour dispute and that they would as stated at the last meeting and also in writing to the complainant be taking no further action.


The Chair advised the complainant to contact Lincolnshire County Council if he wished to take the matter further.With that the members of the public left the meeting.


  1. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING: It was agreed by all to postpone the Annual Parish Meeting until Tuesday 21st July 21 when Covid 19 restrictions are lifted. 


  1. APOLOGIES – Cllr J Banfield sent her apologies for not being able to attend in person.




  1. NOTES OF THE LAST MEETINGS - The minutes of the meeting held on20th April 2021 were unanimously approved as the minutes / notes of events.  



  1. Insurance of Speed Signs – Clerk had written to the Insurance Co to add these to our policy.  This had been done and we await renewal details.
  2. Sale of Land – Paperwork had been completed and sent back to Wilkins Chapman LLP for progress of sale. 


  1. REPORTS FROM OUTSIDE BODIES AND OTHER MEETINGS – Dist Cllr S Ayre outlined that ELDC would be moving to Horncastle soon.  He had chased up enforcement on the sale of cars at The Old Rectory and was still waiting for an update. 


  1. REPORTS FROM OTHER MEETINGS - Nothing to report.


  1. CORRESPONDENCE - Allotment Fence/Gate: Clerk had received a complaint from allotment holders that dogs were being allowed to use the path at rear of allotments to do their business.  It was suggested that this may have been from visitors to the Red Lion allowing their dogs to exercise in the field and had also used the path without proper supervision.  The clerk noted that the fence running alongside the allotments was in poor repair and needed replacing as well as the path being overgrown.  He had spoken to one of the allotment holders who would provide a quote for the fence replacement.  He had also spoken to Robert Aldrich for a quote to clear and remove the weeds etc on the path. This was £220.00 and the clerk asked for agreement to proceed with the clearance prior to the fence being replaced.  This was agreed by all members.


    1. Internal Audit 2020/21: There had been several typing errors highlighted in the Internal Audit report.  These have been corrected but need to be minuted and agred by council as follows:
      1. Minute 18th August 2020 – Income also need to Clerk from allotments should read £170.00 not £190.00.  Change agreed.
      2. Minute 19th January 2021 – Payment to Elan City UK for speed signs should read £6392.38 not £6392.98.  Change agreed.
    2. External Audit 2020/21: Clerk presented the completed AGAR paperwork to members.  This was agreed and signed by both Chair and RFC (Clerk).  These will now be forwarded for audit by 30th June 2021 and results published on Parish Web site and notice board.  The notice of the period for the exercise of public rights under Account and Audit Regulations 2015 will also be done by 1st July 2021.
    3. VAT Reclaim: This had now been forwarded to HMRC for approval and payment.
    4. Payment of Accounts: The following payments were approved by council:
    5. £30.00 for Ms. J. Cooper for Internal Audit invoice.


  1. NEXT MEETING - The next meeting of the Parish Council will also be the Annual Parish Meeting and was set for Tuesday20th July 2021 to commence at 7pm. 


    1. “Dog Waste” signs: These will be produced and laminated by Cllrs D. Robinson and D. Baxter-Skaife.
    2. St Becketts Church: Cllr D. Robinson gave an outline as to the current position with regards to the church.  This has to be confirmed but due to finance that the church may close.  Should this happen an alternative venue for the APM and Parish meeting will need to be found.  Cllr B. Wilson will investigate an alternative venue and let members know.


Meeting closed at 08.15 pm