17th May Annual Council Meeting 2022


Mumby Parish Council

Clerk : Mrs J. Cooper

Rose Cottage, Asserby Corner, Bilsby, Alford, Lincs LN13 9QR

Email: mumbyparishcouncil1@gmail.com

Website: https://mumby.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/


The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on



Tuesday 17th May 2022

@ On Your Marques Model Car Museum




The council meeting will commence at 7.30pm or IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETING.


This notice summons all members of the council to attend from 7.00pm (to be in attendance for the Annual Parish Meeting) or submit their apologies to the clerk at the earliest opportunity.



Signed   Jen Cooper , Jen Cooper - Clerk to the Council                          Dated: 9th May 2022


7.00 p.m. – Welcome by Chairman and Public Forum




  1. Appointment of Chairman and Receive Chairman’s Acceptance of Position
  2. Appointment of Vice Chairman
  3. Apologies for absence
  4. To consider any applications for co-option received, and to co-opt if appropriate.
  5. Declarations of interest.
  6. To agree the notes from the meeting held on 19th April 2022 and approve these as minutes.
  7. Clerk’s report on matters following the last meeting.
  8. To receive reports from outside bodies
  9. To receive any update from LCC Footpaths regarding footpath appeal.
  10. General correspondence.
  11. To consider opening negotiations with Church commissioners/diocese to ensure access to cemetery.
  12. Financial Matters:
    1. Accounts for Payment
    2. To note and sign the AGAR audit papers for 21/22 year:
      1. Certificate of Exemption from full audit
      2. Governance Statement
      3. Accounting Statement
      4. Internal Auditor’s comments
    3. To consider and agree insurance quote for 22/23 year
    4. To agree ordering of a recycled bench for the cemetery and installation, together with fitting of brass plaque.
  13. Planning:
    1. Removal of condition relating to construction of a footpath – Hogsthorpe Road, Mumby
    2. C/U land to site 15 transportable holiday units, erect reception & exhibition building, excavation of lake and construction of internal roads (amendment to previous approval)  – Helsey Farm, Helsey.
    3. Diversion public footpath – Helsey Farm, Helsey
  14. To note time and date of next meeting as 7.00pm on Tuesday 21st June 2022
  15. Any Other Matters for noting only, and items for the next agenda.