20 April 2021


Mumby Parish Council


The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on



Tuesday 20th April 2021 (Via Zoom– video conference)


Due to the uncertainty of the spread of Covid-19/Coronavirus and in order to limit the risk to members of the public and elected council members there will be no formal face – to – face Parish Council meeting on the above date.  The meeting will be held via Zoom and council members will vote as per normal Parish Council meetings.


Prior to the meeting there will be a Public Forum commencing at 7.00 pm.  Members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council.  Members of the public and press are welcome.  Members of the public and press who wish to attend the Video Conference are to email Parish Clerk on mumbyparishcouncil@gmail.com by 05.00pm on Sunday 18th April 2021 with their request and they will be forwarded to Zoom link. 


The council meeting will commence at 7.15pm or at the closure of the public forum – whichever is the sooner.


This notice summons all members of the council to attend from 7.00pm or submit their apologies to the clerk at the earliest opportunity.


Signed   Malcolm Smith – Malcolm Smith, Clerk to the Council                                    Dated 13th April 2021


7.00 p.m. – Welcome by Chairman and Public Forum




  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest.
  3. To agree the notes from the meeting held on 16th March 2021 and approve these as minutes.
  4. Clerk’s report on matters outstanding:
    1. Speed Signs – update
    2. Shop Hill – update of appeal
    3. Sale of Land – update
  5. To receive reports from outside bodies
  6. Report from other meetings
  7. General correspondence:
    1. LCCP – Coastal Access and Parking letter
    2. Community Groups in Lincolnshire
    3. Parish support for new police campaign
  8. Financial Matters: 
    1. To agree annual accounts to year end 31st March 2021
    2. To agree External Audit dates for 2020
    3. To review assets and Insurance Policy
    4. To review Investment Account
    5. To review Allotment Fees for 2021/22
    6. To agree and sign Governance Statement
    7. To approve expenses Cllr D Baxter-Skaife = £96.81 (Zoom subscription + Padlocks x 3)
  9. Planning:
    1. Planning Application N/125/00008/21 – House Farm change of use approved
  10. AGM/Parish Meeting format and date
  11. To note time and date of next meeting as 7.00pm on Tuesday 18th May 2021
  12. AOB for note only or next agenda